Parent & Carer Information

At Modbury West we believe that children’s learning is enhanced when a positive relationship is developed between the family and the school.


COVID Information



Uniform & Dress Code

Students may wear:

  • Tops and hats that are plain red or navy blue
  • Pants, shorts and skirts that are plain navy blue
  • Accessories (e.g. hair ties) that are plain red or navy blue
  • Tops sold through our Fianance Office with the school logo (pay by cash)

Uniform policy

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Hat Policy

All students are required to wear a plain red or navy blue broad brimmed, legionnaire or the designated bucket hat with the school logo when the UV reading is 3 or above. Students who do not have their hat will be required to sit in the shade.

Uniform orders

Uniforms can be ordered through Qkr!

Pay online and orders can be collected by the children.

School Fees

2024 school fees are $320 for the year.

Payment can be made in the following ways:

  • Cash or cheque (made payable to Modbury West School)
  • By credit card (Visa or Master Card, phone or envelopes from school
  • Qkr app
  • B point, see finance office
  • Instalments by arrangement with finance office
  • School Card can be applied for by eligible families, either on
    • Department for Education website
    • or a paper form from the finance office
  • Direct payment into school bank account:
    BSB: 065 150
    Account Number: 10628451

Payments can be paid at the Finance Office from 8.30am daily. For any queries please ring the school on 8265 0900.


Qkr instructions

Adobe PDF – 1MB

Online Payments

Pay education fees online using the link below:


Policies & Procedures

Bullying policy

Adobe PDF – 207MB

Grievance procedure

Adobe PDF – 153MB

SkoolBag instructions

Adobe PDF – 400kb


Our PCW (Pastoral Care Worker), Fiona Vanderlinden, runs a well-attended breakfast club two mornings each week before school (Tuesday and Thursday), and offers lunchtime programs as an alternative to children playing outside.

School community emergency assistance is also an important part of the PCW role which involves family and student support in various ways e.g. referring to support services, emergency lunches and emergency family food hampers.

Fiona Vanderlinden has supported Modbury West School for the past 11 years in the PCW role. In this time staff, students and families have been supported through: excursions, camps, year 7 Transition days, “What’s the Buzz’ program, incursions, swimming week, cooking classes, staff social events, Playgroup, Parent Café and many community events over the years.


Playgroup is a wonderful opportunity for children who are not of school age to interact with other children in activities that are planned by a classroom teacher and supported by an SSO. During this time parents and carers can meet each other and connect with the school community.

Who: Parents, carers, and children 0-4
Where: STEM
When: Tuesday 9.00-10.20

Fruit and water are supplied for the children.
Please contact the school to register your interest and confirm details.

Reporting Absentees



Call the school on 08 8265 0900 (call)


SMS the school on 0416 906 259 (text)

Governing Council

Modbury West School governing council plays an important role in the effective management of our school.  Assisting in decision making and planning the strategic direction of the school under the guidance of school leadership. Our governing council members are highly valued and every opportunity is given for members to have their say and contribute as a key part of our school community.

More information regarding roles and responsibilities of governing council members as well as how to become a member can be found in the links below or by contacting the school.


Term 1
Tuesday 21st of February
Monday 20th of March

Term 2
Monday 22nd of May
Monday 19th of June

Term 3
Monday 14th of August
Monday 11th of September

Term 4
Monday 6th of November
Monday 4th of December

Click here to find out more about becoming a Governing Council Member:

Expression of Interest

Parent Involvement

Parent volunteers are welcome in our school and can be involved in so many ways.  Such association benefits your child by giving him/her experience in relating with a number of adults and also can be most rewarding to the parents involved.

If you are interested in volunteering here are some ways of being involved:

  • Resource centre-sort books and arrange resources
  • In the classroom, hearing children read, reading to children, supporting small groups with cooking, gardening or crafts and assistance on excursions.

-Our whole school reads at the start of each day and we welcome any parents/carers at this time

  • Attend school functions/events.
  • Offer your expertise – the experience and talent in the parent community is enormous.
  • Come along to support your child’s sports team.
  • Participate in parent workshops.
  • Attend whole school assemblies.
  • Nominate for Governing Council.

Volunteer Training

All parents and community volunteers who work in the school must undergo a Working with Children check, RAN (Responding to Abuse and Neglect) training and have a volunteer interview. Volunteer training/induction sessions are held in Term 1.  Parents who volunteer later in the year are trained individually by appointment with a leadership team member. Please see your class teacher for information in the first instance. Copies of certificates must be provided to the school. Volunteers MUST sign in at the front office.

School Hall Hire

If you are interested in hiring our Hall or would like some more information, please use the form:

For bookings & enquiries:

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


Student Support

Teachers and SSOs provide a variety of learning support for a range of students.

This includes class, small group and individual support:

  • Reading Intervention. Literacy support teacher in Early years and Reading Coach in Primary
  • Support for students with disability
  • Support for students with learning difficulties
  • EALD (English as an Additional Language or Dialect) students
  • APAS tutoring for Aboriginal students
Resource Centre

Our Resource Centre has a wide selection of books and reference materials. Staff help teachers and children select appropriate books, locate research material and plan programs designed to help children develop their learning.

Children can borrow a book every day and may have several books out a time. Children are encouraged to be responsible for the care of these books. The Resource Centre is open for borrowing each morning from 8:30 am until 8:45 am and Wednesday after school.

Children need a library bag to borrow books. Any labelled fabric or plastic bag brought from home is suitable.

Excursions, Camps and Performances

Excursions, camps and performances at school are an important part of learning.  Teachers plan them to complement their educational programs. Parents/carers are advised of these activities and any costs associated. Consent forms and medical forms must be returned to school as required and information about any payments required can be directed to finance office.

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Three way Interviews take place late in Term 1 and are offered as requested by parents throughout the year. They provide opportunities for open communication between parents and guardians, students and teachers about the students’ social development, academic progress and behaviour.  The students are valued participants in these meetings.  Their views, opinions and ideas are taken into account in developing action plans and goals for the future.

Written Reports

A Written Report comes home at the end of Terms 2 and 4 and provides information on student progress in learning areas and describes effort, attitude and social skills.

Parents are encouraged to make a time to meet with their child’s teacher at any other time to discuss progress or any issues they may be having.

We strongly encourage parents / guardians to stay informed by reading all newsletters and notices, as well as by attending interviews.

Parent guide to raising a concern or complaint

We all expect quality, expert care and teaching for your child, so they achieve their potential. Working together will give us the best chance of solving a problem that may arise during your child’s years in school.

We also recognise that at times things may go wrong. If you have a concern or a complaint, we want you to let us know. It’s important to learn from mistakes or misunderstandings so that we can improve your child’s experience and learning, and also improve processes where possible.

The first step in working through a complaint is to talk to your child’s teacher, and then the Wellbeing leader/Deputy/Principal if you require further assistance.

If you’d like more information give the school a call on 8265 0900.

School Card

The School Card Scheme is administered by DfE and provides financial assistance towards the cost of education expenses to full-time students of low income families.  Families who believe they may be eligible for School Card assistance need to apply by filling in an application form at the start of the school year.  Applications need to be made each year regardless of whether previous approval has been received.

Material and Services Charges

Materials and Services Charges are charged annually per student.  This, together with our DfE funding, is used to fund our educational programs, and the maintenance and development of school buildings, grounds and resources. 

Your child will be provided with text books, stationary, educational materials, apparatus and equipment.  Parents are advised that any text books issued to students remain the property of the school.

Throughout the school year, teachers may organise excursions, visiting performances, electives etc.  As these events occur, parents will be notified about the nature of the activity, the amount of money that is required and the timeline for payment.


Materials and Services Charges and excursion fees may be paid by cash, EFTPOS and Qkr.  Payments may be placed in the secure letter box in the front office to be processed throughout the day. Finance office is open each morning from 8:30-9:30.

Refund Policy

Refunds for excursions or performances may be given for the entry fee component only.   As the cost of transport must be paid for regardless of the number of students on the excursion, this cannot be refunded. Refunds can only be made by cheque or used as a credit against future excursions or performances within that year. A refund or credit will only be given if all other debts have been cleared.

Lost Property

Un-named misplaced clothing is displayed at the entrance to the office, from the asphalt, in the main building.

Lost property items are displayed at the end of each term prior to the box being cleared.  Clear labelling of all items such as clothing and lunch boxes ensures items are returned to their owner.  All unclaimed items are donated to charity at the end of each term.

Mobile Phones

The school takes no responsibility for mobile phones that are brought to school and become lost, stolen or broken. Any student who brings a mobile phone to school (must keep it turned off) and hand it to their teacher each morning.  It is highly recommended that mobile phones are not brought to school. 

Money and Valuables

The school takes no responsibility under any circumstances for the loss or theft of any money or valuables brought to school.

Burton Primary School logo

Our Address

450-474 Wright Road
Modbury SA 5092

Education Office



08 82650900

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